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Yoga Burn - Achieving Your Goal

yoga burn is an online exercise program that promises to increase your metabolism. "yoga burn is a 12 week, do-it-yourself, supplement-free program for women. Along with improved physical system overall, Yoga Burn members get a free copy of the complete program for easy access on any computer, laptop or handheld mobile device." What does this have to offer you?

yoga burn

In addition to increasing your metabolism, does this program really help you achieve the much talked about "yoga burn" or "yoga relaxation"? Can you really experience the benefits of this workout and still be in a state of total relaxation? I decided to find out after giving Yoga Burn a whirl for two weeks straight and I want to share my findings with you.

At the start of the program, I experienced an abundance of energy and excitement as I stepped into the first phase. The goal of yoga burn is to melt away that flabby fat and tone up those lean muscle mass and I did experience this from the very start. It was then that I noticed that I was breathing much easier as opposed to previous weeks. The second week I started to feel a little more like myself and I could tell that the stiffness and pain that I was experiencing before were starting to fade away. There were still days where I felt stiff and sore but after two weeks I was able to do some of the exercises without any problems.

Yoga Burn - Achieving Your Goal

My experience with yoga burn was quite interesting. This program did help me achieve the results that I was looking for but not in the way that I had hoped. Instead, I found that my body was being held back by a poor diet, bad exercise routine, and a lack of relaxation. There were many who could relate to my problem of not being able to relax because there are certain yoga poses that help you to be more relaxed while you are doing your daily workouts.

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Once I got into the third phase, I was able to see improvements in all areas of my life. There were no more days where I felt stiff and sore in any part of my body. Instead, I was able to enjoy the cool breeze on my face as I ran in the gym or walked around my neighborhood. My diet was much healthier and I was consuming the right amount of protein to maintain my muscle mass.

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During my third week with yoga burn I noticed that I was actually enjoying the workout a lot more than I ever enjoyed prior to starting the program. I had always been bored during my workouts and the lack of variety kept me from enjoying my workout. By the end of the first two or three weeks I was ready to quit because of the boredom but I kept at it by performing my warm ups and stretches every single day. Once I achieved my goal of being able to do at least one full rotation every day, I knew I had reached the point where I was able to call myself a yogi.

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After achieving the third phase of yoga burn I was ready to move on to the fourth foundational phase which was the completion of the poses. I was able to perform all of the basic poses in my sleep during the first few nights after completing the first two foundational phases. I followed these motions while sleeping and was very surprised with how good I felt after completing the last few poses. The warmth and smoothness of my muscles were obvious, even though I was exhausted. When I woke up the next morning I was excited and eager to begin my normal workout routine.

Now that I have completed the final four weeks of the twelve weeks of yoga burn, I have reached the pinnacle of my practice. I still have a few months of learning to master the poses but I feel as if I have learned them well. If I can keep up with the progress I have made during this time, then the results will be evident. I am also very happy with the results I am seeing from my skin. My skin is tighter, clearer, and I have a vibrant glow to my skin that I have never experienced before.

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