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Confused Between Convex Vs Concave Mirrors? Here'S The Difference!

The main topic of discussion today when it comes to deciding between convex vs. concave mirrors is what are the differences between them. Both convex and concave mirror to reflect light in the same fashion, but one has a curved shape while the other has a flat one. So what are their uses then? Let's find out.

convex vs concave


Simple Explanation and Examples Let's start with the basics. Basically, both concave and convex mirror that make use of a convex lens with one focus point. This point is usually focused on the middle of the surface you're getting reflected. Examples: the entire group of ribs on the top of your snow shovel is made out of a convex lens. The snow snowball on the ground has a flat focus. There's really no way to tell the difference except for comparing them side by side.


Now, let's take a look at each mirror's primary function. In a nutshell, convex mirrors correct an irregular surface by making it straight by making the inside curve smaller than its exterior. The opposite is true for a convex vs concave mirror. Convex describes the surface as being curved, while a convex vs concave mirror tries to correct the flatness of a convex surface by making the outside curve slightly smaller.

Confused Between Convex Vs Concave Mirrors? Here's The Difference!


The primary benefit of convex lenses over concave lenses is that they are easier to install. However, this is only if your roof doesn't already have an internal concave shape. Otherwise, you would need a new roof. If installing your own roof isn't a huge issue, and if you're comfortable with doing so, then the choice is easy: You will choose the most aesthetically pleasing convex vs concave mirror, and you will use it on your roof.


A convex vs concave mirror with an inward curve is slightly more difficult to install, as it needs to run parallel to the roof line. Of course, if this is something that you can do yourself, you won't need professional help. However, if you're not comfortable doing this, and if you don't trust your abilities, then you should probably pay someone to do it for you. Either way, this process is very easy, and you won't have to worry about anything else other than measuring and installing.


The biggest difference between a convex mirror and a concave mirror is how the light comes in and goes out. With a convex lens, the rays of light are always parallel to the surface they are reflecting off of. With a concave mirror, the rays of light are always projecting from one side to another, making them appear to be coming from several directions at once. In other words, a convex lens has more "bounce back" than a concave lens. This makes the reflected light have varying amounts of light coming from each point, making it much more visually appealing. While a convex lens can make everything look brighter, a concave mirror adds depth and creates a softer look.


Now that you know which of these two mirrors is better for what application you have, you just need to figure out which one looks best inside your home. In general, the best option is one that looks good from the floor, but is more aesthetically pleasing from the ceiling. As far as which one is the best, it really comes down to personal taste and budget. It might be that you want something from the floor but you like the ceiling so much, that you would choose a convex mirror that reflects from both sides of the ceiling.


There are many great looking concave mirrors that would be perfect in a bathroom or any room with an outward-looking design. However, if you would like something with an inward curve for more functionality, then the convex style may be your best option. They are generally only a few dollars more, which is usually a small price to pay for seeing you face right. Hopefully this article has helped you decide whether convex vs concave mirror are right for you!

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