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Top Password Manager For Your Online Accounts

With the number of mobile devices reaching dizzying levels, one would think that the need for a top password manager has grown correspondingly. However, it is actually different. While security concerns are certainly no new matter, two-factor authentication is an entirely different ball game altogether. Why is this so? Simply because security breaches on a wide scale can be prevented by implementing a two-factor authentication. That is to say, rather than relying on traditional passwords which have been the standard for decades, users need to employ smart passwords which can be remembered by even the most vigilant security program.

top password manager


Password managers on the other hand function by generating strong, unique passwords for each user, which is then stored in the form of a password vault. This vault may be accessed only by the user that has been granted permission to access it via his/her smartphone device. Apart from that, such passwords are also known to be tougher and more complicated than other common passwords that are shared by users of various other devices. The end result is that while an unsecured password on a smartphone may be safely stored in the phone's memory and is easy to generate on a frequent basis, a strong and complex password managed by a top password manager will ensure that hackers have nothing but plain gold to steal from.


For those who may not be aware of it already, there is a plethora of password managers available in the market today. Hence, it is important that users take their pick from amongst them to determine which among them have the maximum amount of features while also being easy to setup and operate. To date, three popular names in this segment have come out on the scene - Enpass, Mailroom, and Protect HR. For a more detailed and technical analysis of each of these three password managers, please read on. With that done, let us look at some of the key points related to each of these effective password managers...

Top Password Manager For Your Online Accounts


Enpass is a password manager that is extremely easy to use and has been designed specifically for synchronizing user information across multiple devices, including smartphones, tablets, and PCs. As such, it enables users to lock down sensitive information on their smartphone to protect it while still allowing access to other online accounts. However, unlike most other syncing password managers, Enpass syncs protected information across multiple devices with the use of an encrypted link. This feature further makes it more secure as only those using the link can gain access to information on a smartphone.


Mailroom Password Manager (MPM) on the other hand, is an online password manager that requires the installation of an offline software on the user's computer in order to access the password manager's single device database. Users are then required to enter their username and password into the online interface to synchronize their password across all their devices. Like Enpass, Mailroom Password Manager comes with two-factor authentication and syncs sensitive information across all the devices the user might own. But unlike Enpass, the free-version of Mailroom Password Manager does not come with any syncing features. So if you're looking for a free password manager that will work across multiple platforms, the free version of Mailroom Password Manager is not your best option.


Another highly recommended password manager is 1 Password. One Password is much more comprehensive than its free cousin because it offers more than just passwords. Aside from offering master passwords, this manager also offers various forms of security as well as vault spaces for additional storage and confidential data. For those who want to secure their documents and other files across multiple platforms, this manager is definitely a good investment.


If you're on a tight budget but still need a password manager, then you might as well go for a one-time purchase of zoho vault. zoho vault allows you to create an account which allows you to manage your passwords, email addresses, and related items with just a few clicks of the mouse. This convenient form-filling system allows you to manage your passwords even while you're away from your PC or laptop. In addition to form filling, this password manager also offers bulk password change and online storage of documents and files.


In choosing a password manager, it's important that you look for something that will not only provide you with the convenience of keeping track of your passwords but also allow you to have greater control over them. Most password managers, including those in our list, offer forms filling as well as storage of documents and files. However, you'll only get these features if you purchase a premium plan. Regardless, of whether you choose a one-time purchase or a premium subscription plan, make sure you are getting all of the features that you need to keep your online accounts safe and secure.

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